Feeling vindictive - need help


jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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Nephew came over to my house F'd up my computer again!
Nothing serious this time but it's starting to P me off.
Revenge, I was thinking of something like creating an icon that would "reformat" then renaming it to one of existing icons.
I would choose a not too often used icon as I would like a time lapse between my visit and his demise.
Is it poss to create an icon to "re format"
Thanks Jeff


34,444 posts

314 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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Wouldn't it be simpler to just stop him using it?


720 posts

282 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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Reformatting his hard drive is perhaps a little severe.
I have an old program that I used to send around as a joke.
It has a smilie face and is called File Manna. When you click on it it brings up a window that says "File Manna will now delete all your Windows System files" Then you see a list of files ruching past and another message says something like. "Windows can not detect any system files on your computer."
After a pause you see a message saying "Good thing this is only a joke".
But people have already gone pale by this time and of course it doesn't do any harm to the computer.
Modern virus protection will probably prohibit this file from running but we have had a lot of fun with it in the past. Email it around the office and stand behind people as they open it and watch them say "Oh no no!"
File is about 900k.
Contact me through profile if you want it and I will email it to you.


4,415 posts

280 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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What did he do to your PC ? Was it malicious or unintentional ?

I'm with Ted ... just stop the oik using your PC ...


591 posts

273 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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*Not a good idea*

what if other people use his computer ?
(like his brother / sister / mother /father )

that may be the reason he experiments with your P.C.
(Because he has restricted use at home)

Also, if someone does post a how-to here,
it will allow more people to create havoc.

and anyway, if it said reformat - he would just click
NO ! Theres no way to automate a format !


1 posts

260 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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It's good to know that their isn't much in the world to concern you, other than this.

Ever get the desire to drive up the tailpipe of the car in front?

Shot and swear 'cos the driver in front pulled out on you (even though you knew he was going to do it)?

Love to bunch-up just to stop the inside-lane driver overtake the lorry in front?

Come up with weird ideas to gain "revenge"?

Get to a GP at the first opportunity young man - you are Male Menopausal, and despite what distinquished American scientists say, it does exist - every day in every office, in every pub in the land, on every road, the spectre of the Male Menopause can be seen.

Either that, or almost every blocke these days is unbearably SAD.


4,415 posts

280 months

Monday 21st July 2003
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Is it just me, or is PH getting very heavy these days ?
Just a question ...

jeff m

Original Poster:

4,061 posts

269 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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Thanks guys,
Perhaps my idea was a bit OTT, it was the first thing that I thought of and I wondered if it could be done.
I knew I would have to avoid the "are you sure box".

I had already told my wife that he is not to use the computer. She was supposed to tell her sister etc.etc.

Mr Reclspeak I think you mis read the title, the "need help" was with regard to computers as per the forum title, don't worry my nephew will not be found face down in a puddle, well not this time!



6,552 posts

295 months

Tuesday 22nd July 2003
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why not stick a bios level password on the machine?
