If i get a ?


Road Hog

Original Poster:

2,614 posts

224 months

Sunday 27th January 2008
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if i get an audi tt 3.2 ,would i be allowed out on the runs or would NEPH shun me ?

also looked at SLK 280



565 posts

216 months

Sunday 27th January 2008
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how about an M3? not bias or out tongue out


3,408 posts

211 months

Sunday 27th January 2008
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Hi Andy - can't imagine you'd ever be shunned, 3.2 TT is a damn good car in my view, doesnt really matter what type of car anyway, last run out there was everything from a Skoda VRS, Celica, through to Stevies monster 911.

We all kept together, no one was left behind, and no one is that bothered about what car you drive.

Road Hog

Original Poster:

2,614 posts

224 months

Sunday 27th January 2008
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Cliffv8 said:
how about an M3? not bias or out tongue out
Called in there to ."bmw dealer"

M3 Converta but non in at moment.

Road Hog

Original Poster:

2,614 posts

224 months

Sunday 27th January 2008
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Road Hog said:
Cliffv8 said:
how about an M3? not bias or out tongue out
Called in there to ."bmw dealer"

M3 Converta but non in at moment.
I dont want to get a car only for everyone to say WHAT DID YOU BUY THAT FOR when you could of had A............


1,431 posts

249 months

Sunday 27th January 2008
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You must buy what YOU want.

Have had a 180 TT Coupe and enjoyed it.

It it the Coupe or Softop you were thinking of?

Road Hog

Original Poster:

2,614 posts

224 months

Sunday 27th January 2008
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been looking at a soft top .

just trying to rule out other cars before i part with any cash,

still think i may end up buying another TIV tho.


3,726 posts

295 months

Sunday 27th January 2008
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Whats the latest on the T350 then ?? Will it be repaired ??

Road Hog

Original Poster:

2,614 posts

224 months

Sunday 27th January 2008
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bomb said:
Whats the latest on the T350 then ?? Will it be repaired ??
dont think so ,its at hexham ,Tony has said he dosnt think the insurers will think it economic to repair ,"but he hasnt been able to confirm with them yet.needs lot of work and labour costs put it beyond poss.

paint alone was £2.5k

Road Hog

Original Poster:

2,614 posts

224 months

Sunday 27th January 2008
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bomb said:
Whats the latest on the T350 then ?? Will it be repaired ??
can you lend me some cash for a SAG then Dad.


9,240 posts

253 months

Sunday 27th January 2008
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Road Hog said:
if i get an audi tt 3.2 ,would i be allowed out on the runs or would NEPH shun me ?

also looked at SLK 280

How about just buying what you want to buy and not giving a toss what anyone else might think about it ? wink


3,726 posts

295 months

Monday 28th January 2008
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Road Hog said:
bomb said:
Whats the latest on the T350 then ?? Will it be repaired ??
can you lend me some cash for a SAG then Dad.
Well son, I was up at HHC a week or so ago, and had a quick peep at your very own 'handywork'.

The damage is suprisingly slight. OK, the body work is smashed but a bodyshop could sort that. I was impressed by how well the structure had stood up to a good bout of 'ploughing'. Thats a real shame that its being considered as a loss.

Surely its still worth buying from the insurer, and fixing it up again ?? ~ any plans to do that ??

I might top up your pocket money if you behave yourself, but a 'Sag' may be out of my reach........( although theres a couple of nice ones in the window at HHC !!)

Road Hog

Original Poster:

2,614 posts

224 months

Monday 28th January 2008
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what ever i get it has to please Mrs Hog and at the moment nothing does.


1,431 posts

249 months

Monday 28th January 2008
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What about a Z4 3.0L


3,726 posts

295 months

Monday 28th January 2008
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Road Hog said:
what ever i get it has to please Mrs Hog and at the moment nothing does.
OOOoooooppps. Time to lay low.

Does she not 'get' the car thang ?? confused

Road Hog

Original Poster:

2,614 posts

224 months

Monday 28th January 2008
quotequote all
bomb said:
Road Hog said:
what ever i get it has to please Mrs Hog and at the moment nothing does.
OOOoooooppps. Time to lay low.

Does she not 'get' the car thang ?? confused
YES she wants either a Lambo or an Alfa 8c


524 posts

222 months

Tuesday 29th January 2008
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Road Hog said:
YES she wants either a Lambo or an Alfa 8c
Nice taste in cars, your misses...........

Edited by Crowley on Tuesday 29th January 08:32


4,555 posts

225 months

Tuesday 29th January 2008
quotequote all
Crowley said:
Road Hog said:
YES she wants either a Lambo or an Alfa 8c
Nice taste in cars, your misses...........

Edited by Crowley on Tuesday 29th January 08:32
What do you reckon Crowley, Bomb - communal lambo?



3,726 posts

295 months

Tuesday 29th January 2008
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zebra said:
Crowley said:
Road Hog said:
YES she wants either a Lambo or an Alfa 8c
Nice taste in cars, your misses...........

Edited by Crowley on Tuesday 29th January 08:32
What do you reckon Crowley, Bomb - communal lambo?

I'm up for it !!

We can use the Alfa to drive to the track and then use the Lambo for the fun bits.

Who pays for Petrol / Tyres etc ??


524 posts

222 months

Tuesday 29th January 2008
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Oh definately. The generosity of some people never ceases to amaze me.

To keep it fair, I think it'll have to be the same deal as with Zebra. Don't you think, Bomb ?

Cheers Road Hog.

Edited by Crowley on Tuesday 29th January 09:50