F40 Anniversary


Kiwi Carguy

Original Poster:

1,202 posts

227 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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I love the F40 http://nzhondas.com/phpBB2/mtfuji-20th-anniversary...

Edited by Kiwi Carguy on Wednesday 23 January 07:13

Ffirg 005

2,013 posts

262 months

Wednesday 23rd January 2008
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Kiwi Carguy said:
Mmmmmm..... now that's a supercar! Had the priviledge of following one into parking at Le Mans back in 1991 and enjoyed the aural symphony all the way.


256 posts

260 months

Thursday 24th January 2008
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Ffirg 005 said:
Mmmmmm..... now that's a supercar! Had the priviledge of following one into parking at Le Mans back in 1991 and enjoyed the aural symphony all the way.
I know that feeling, I was passed by one on the main straight at Brands Hatch, foot to the floor in the TVR. Suddenly understood the meaning of the phrase "felt like I was going backwards".


406 posts

244 months

Thursday 24th January 2008
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Zaphod said:
I know that feeling, I was passed by one on the main straight at Brands Hatch, foot to the floor in the TVR. Suddenly understood the meaning of the phrase "felt like I was going backwards".
Had a similar experience in the STi, albeit in slightly less glamarous surroundings (Coatesville). Didn't even see the thing appear in my rearview and it was past me. Apparently there are in three F40s in NZ - anyone able to shed some light on where the other two are lurking?


6,371 posts

294 months

Thursday 24th January 2008
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Murdock said:
Had a similar experience in the STi, albeit in slightly less glamarous surroundings (Coatesville). Didn't even see the thing appear in my rearview and it was past me. Apparently there are in three F40s in NZ - anyone able to shed some light on where the other two are lurking?
Owner of Fazzaz in Christchurch has one. Steve Cox in Auckland has a replica that's basically identical to the original bar the engine (twinturbo Lexus)


4,391 posts

268 months

Thursday 24th January 2008
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Aha Coatsville, that will explain it then. A few times now filling up at shell at the Westgate shopping area, I have seen a F40 there. First I thought it was a replica, but if this car is lurking on this side of the harbour and its a real one, its rather cool to know!! Andy Culpin makes a few of these and hes based in Henderson, so from a distance be hard to tell a real from a fake as his look amazing.
Dont know if hes still doing them?


16,014 posts

241 months

Friday 25th January 2008
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Esprit said:
Steve Cox in Auckland has a replica that's basically identical to the original bar the engine (twinturbo Lexus)
Isn't the Lexus-powered rep supposed to be a fair whack quicker than the original? Think I heard mention of 700+ bhp somewhere but that may have been a load of crap.


6,371 posts

294 months

Friday 25th January 2008
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GravelBen said:
Esprit said:
Steve Cox in Auckland has a replica that's basically identical to the original bar the engine (twinturbo Lexus)
Isn't the Lexus-powered rep supposed to be a fair whack quicker than the original? Think I heard mention of 700+ bhp somewhere but that may have been a load of crap.
I've never seen it up against an original... but the few times I've seen it out at Manfeild it's BALLISTICALLY rapid.


406 posts

244 months

Friday 25th January 2008
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I was straining my eyes to try and spot something that would give the game away (was immediately of the opinion that it was a replica, just out of sheer "it couldn't be" more than having anything to base it on), but I couldn't get anywhere near close enough once he went past. hehe

Kiwi Carguy

Original Poster:

1,202 posts

227 months