Scandisk on boot up



Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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Folks, hope you may be able to help, I've done a search but can't find anything.
I'm running a PC on Win98SE with all the latest patches but 9 times out of 10 on boot up it comes up running scandisk saying the last session was not shut down properly - except it was.
Now I've run scandisk and defrag and also run the Norton versions and done the Norton software fix thing but nothing finds any errors.
Any ideas?


46,645 posts

286 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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Scandisk usually runs, as somewhere along the line Windows hasn't closed properly.

I seem to recall 98 had a problem with this and MS release a patch. Might be worth trying to dig it out.

Sounds like you've tried the other logical options... although you could run Scandisk (set it to thorough) from Windows itself.


407 posts

260 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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Mark this probably isnt going to help much, but ive had this a few times at work with some prebuilt laptops running NT4.0 but on a FAT32 partition. I couldnt ever get a fix even if running scand-disk from the GUI so i kind of cheated and used partition magic to change to NTFS which stopped it completely. Now you cant do this for 98 as it cant support NTFS but maybe consider upgrading to W2K? Its a cop-out answer i know but sometimes instead of spending years trying to find fixes on microsoft, its easiser to move the goalposts :-)


20,854 posts

286 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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Also running 98SE - I agree with Podie there wa a patch for a known bug, try a search of Microsh!t's site for the info?

BTW Every time I install 98 I get a load of problems all of which I can sort out (eventually) apart from a bl$$dy "MSNP32.dll missing" - I know it's a networking bit but WTF is that all about?

Edited to add that I did a search of MS knowledge base only to find there are loads of possibles for you to trawl through

>> Edited by beano500 on Friday 18th July 10:08


1,676 posts

275 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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[quote=beano500]Also running 98SE - I agree with Podie there wa a patch for a known bug, try a search of Microsh!t's site for the info? [quote]
Theres a patch to fix the shutdon with regards to network connections being open.

If you run windows update you'll see it.

Worked on 90% of machines I've faced


67,280 posts

281 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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Theres a file that you can edit. Cant remember what its called though, extension is .sys

Theres a switch in there so you can turn scandisk off.


16,442 posts

272 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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plotloss said:
Theres a file that you can edit. Cant remember what its called though, extension is .sys

Theres a switch in there so you can turn scandisk off.

This one?;en-us;118579


67,280 posts

281 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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pdV6 said:

plotloss said:
Theres a file that you can edit. Cant remember what its called though, extension is .sys

Theres a switch in there so you can turn scandisk off.

This one?;en-us;118579

Thats the one!

>> Edited by plotloss (moderator) on Friday 18th July 10:40


720 posts

282 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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Or maybe look on the Windows Shutdown Site


46,645 posts

286 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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alunr said:

Worked on 90% of machines I've faced

The remaining 10% left the building via a top floor window...


4,330 posts

281 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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I think this is somehting to do with the IDE buffer. Basically, windoze has closed down and powered off the machine before the IDE buffer has had a chance to empty onto the hard disk. So when you start up the disk is thinking "hang on a minute, I have bits missing! Best get scanning to find out what is going on."

PCs just got to quick for Windoze.

Do a search on the knowledgebase on microsoft site and you'll find a solution which is not part of the normal patches


Original Poster:

11,104 posts

287 months

Friday 18th July 2003
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Cheers guys, will try all these options. Will look again at the windows website, although I do have mall the latest patches downloaded and installed via the automatic updates.


2,258 posts

270 months