CISCO hack - everybody panic!



Original Poster:

1,589 posts

275 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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Seems as an ISP we are following suit with the likes of LINX and doing emergency upgrades across our network - anyone else here for the late-night overtime?

Cisco IOS is a very widely deployed network operating system. A vulnerability in IOS could allow an intruder to execute a denial-of-service attack against an affected device. Cisco has published an advisory on this topic, available at We strongly encourage sites using IOS to read this document and take appropriate action.


6,025 posts

294 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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bobski said:
Seems as an ISP we are following suit with the likes of LINX and doing emergency upgrades across our network - anyone else here for the late-night overtime?

Cisco IOS is a very widely deployed network operating system. A vulnerability in IOS could allow an intruder to execute a denial-of-service attack against an affected device. Cisco has published an advisory on this topic, available at We strongly encourage sites using IOS to read this document and take appropriate action.

Yep, were on full alert, but most of our customers are Enterprise not ISP.. Funny, speaking to friends from my ISP Backbround ... all rushing about ...


Original Poster:

1,589 posts

275 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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Hello Jason! Still got yer Surrey Run t-shirts?!

We're still here - as one of the upgrades "went a bit wrong" no customers calling - they're all in the pub.

One client had the nerve to ask us to put the whole thing off until was convenient with him! t0553r!

Still . . nice bit of O/T to pay for the Optimax . . .