FTP Server



Original Poster:

637 posts

282 months

Wednesday 16th July 2003
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Anyone know of a decent freeware FTP server software for W2K.

Currently using WAR FTP daemon and its a pain to manage.


67,280 posts

281 months

Wednesday 16th July 2003
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41 posts

270 months

Wednesday 16th July 2003
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Is CuteFTP still free ?

Not used it for a long while but it used to be (and was quite good too).


16,442 posts

272 months

Wednesday 16th July 2003
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Serv-U is ok, but (after a grace period) the freeware version reverts to 1 concurrent user unless you buy a license...


101 posts

293 months

Wednesday 16th July 2003
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Try GuildFTPd, [url]www.guildftpd.com[/url].
It's free, it works well and it's not too hard to manage.


5,252 posts

278 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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I downloaded a ftp server called cerberus FTP off downloads.com, its shareware but5 has no annoying popups or registration. I got it 6 months ago and still working fine i can email it you if you like? Mail me through my profile if you cant find it.

It is Firewall friendly aswell and the instalation is 900k


Works on 95, 98, nt, and 2000. but i prefer IIS to cerberus on 2000