Radar detectors to be banned.....

Radar detectors to be banned.....



Original Poster:

6,371 posts

294 months

Thursday 10th January 2008
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... now you've heard about this in the other thread.... I'm thinking about putting some paperwork together and doing some lobbying to the govt (and more crucially) the opposition, to try and stop this being passed into law.

Would like this to be a thread where we can put our heads together to come up with good reasons to argue against the law coming in.

The following link makes for some interesting reading, and while it's not a widespread survey, it certainly doesn't seem to support the "road safety" impetus they're pushing about banning radar detectors being a road-safety initiative.


If we can put our heads together, I'm happy to be the figurehead and write some letters to the powers that be and be a PistonHeads lobbyist (although won't actually represent PH by name) so we can stop this breach of our motorists' rights.

Kiwi XTR2

2,693 posts

243 months

Wednesday 6th February 2008
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Any idea on the dates for this ?


Original Poster:

6,371 posts

294 months

Wednesday 6th February 2008
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Kiwi XTR2 said:
Any idea on the dates for this ?
Not heard a dickie bird.

Out of interest, in the Feb Autocar (the mag my car is in) there's a good column by Paul Owen on it... suggested bedtime reading.