Windows 2000 lockdown



Original Poster:

12,058 posts

275 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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How would one go about securing a windows 2000 workstation. I just want to disasble control panel and various other settings for one user.

Tried security policy editor and got nowhere. Any ideas?


600 posts

277 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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Start here:

There is a whole article on there somewhere about locking down W2K workstation.


2,482 posts

295 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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You can do it using a Local Security policy but in my experience, you'll just spend the rest of your life being asked by them to change something which they no longer have rights to do themselves. You may also find that misc. programs complain as they don't have access rights to do what they need to do.

Better to backup the PC and be able to restore if if required IMHO. At work we have all our servers protected but everyone logs onto the workstations as local admin (30 minute rebuild using Intellimirror).

I'm at a clients site where they are paying out 100 quid per hour for me to sit here twiddling my thumbs because I don't have access rights to do anything (like install Acrobat Reader).

Ian A.


Original Poster:

12,058 posts

275 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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It's for a demo PC in a communal area of the building, so just needs to sit there being shiny and nice, and not being buggered about with.


407 posts

260 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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If its for a demo pc then Ians suggestion of using a local policy is probably best option.
there are sharewarez out there that will lock it down for you aswell it you dont fancy doing it yourself..