

Original Poster:

637 posts

282 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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Anyone know how to set-up VNC to listen on TCP ports other than 5900.


591 posts

273 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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There is a PortNumber setting, which needs to be changed in the system registry.

You need to disable the auto setting first though.

More info here:

Good luck

Mr E

22,308 posts

270 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
quotequote all
VNC is a great thing.

I have a client on my P800....


407 posts

260 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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VNC rocks :-)
I use it here at work for all my clients..there are a few different versions out, REALVNC and Tight VNC spring to mind, both have different compression methods which may help any of you out across a WAN link. If thats your bag mind..


8,293 posts

288 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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At its simplest, change the display number from the default (0) to another value. e.g. display number 2 will use ports 5802/5902.


2,750 posts

295 months

Wednesday 16th July 2003
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You can use a negative display number too if you wish. Once used that to tunnel VNC through port 80 (being the only outbound port available to me at the time, and having set up the server in advance)


8,893 posts

278 months

Wednesday 16th July 2003
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As an alternative, Remotely Anywhere is excellent and very fast.


8,293 posts

288 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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Marshy, thats clever! I like!

PcAnywhere - costs money! VNC is of course open software and free. And generally works rather well too!


1,186 posts

282 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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If you want to be even more clever, you can use httptunnel to traverse an http proxy server to get an outbound tcp connection.

I .... err.. someone I know... uses it to ssh and vnc to his machine at home.


1,589 posts

275 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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. .. and all along I thought it was freeware

victormeldrew said:

PcAnywhere - costs money!


Original Poster:

637 posts

282 months

Sunday 20th July 2003
quotequote all
FYI: A quick guide to changing the listen port number to something other than 5900. VNC V3.3.7.

On VNC server properties uncheck the Auto Display Number box then enter a value in the Display number box. This value is 5900 + the value entered. So if you enter 2 then your server will listen on 5902.

To connect to the server just enter the IP address followed by the Display number. i.e.

Easy and it works.