annoying messenger pop-ups sussed!!!

annoying messenger pop-ups sussed!!!


tin man

Original Poster:

149 posts

272 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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Just in case anyone hasn't sussed this out,I've worked out how to stop those annoying messenger pop-ups! Just follow the instructions below and it should stop them.

1. Open 'Control Panel' and double click on 'Administrative Tools'.

2. Double click 'Services' and change to Extended view if not already in it.

3. Scroll down the list and find 'Messenger' or 'Messenger Service', right click on it and go to 'Properties'.

4. Press the 'Stop' button in the 'Service Status' section of the General tab.

5. Change the 'Start up Type to 'DISABLED'.

6. Click 'Apply' and then 'OK' and that's it!

You should never receive another pop up again! (well not on your computer anyway!!!!!)


3,984 posts

266 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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Thanks for that, i will give it a try.
Only since last week have i started to get the popups....leave the computer on for 20mins and have about half a dozen.!


39,731 posts

295 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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aint got 'administrative tools' in my cont panel


3,984 posts

266 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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Managed to find it under Performance and Maintenance (XP Home operating system) and it is working.

Thanks for the help.

>> Edited by tonyrec on Monday 14th July 21:32

tin man

Original Poster:

149 posts

272 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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if you have windowsXP change to classic view in your control panel Apache,that should help?


22,612 posts

272 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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I really do hope this works. I don't need a phillipino hooker or viagra.


simpo one

87,905 posts

276 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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Fine up until 'Change the 'Start up Type to 'DISABLED'.

Can't see 'Start up type' anywhere....'


3,984 posts

266 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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Its in the middle of the window and you have a choice between, Manual...Automatic and Disabled in the drop down.

Did mine 30mins ago and whoopppeee...its worked.!

simpo one

87,905 posts

276 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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Thanks Tonyrec, didn't spot the drop-down menu.

X000 XXX

1,587 posts

262 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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dazren said:
I really do hope this works. I don't need a phillipino hooker or viagra.

But imagine a phillipino hooker AND viagra (a popup you CAN'T get rid of).


198 posts

294 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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Great screen peace at last

Thank you

lady topaz

3,855 posts

265 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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cheers - great news. However, does that mean my reminder for anti virus Norton wont remind me now?


833 posts

273 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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Wish you had come up with this before yesterday, just paid $19 for add pop up killer, just my luck!

Big T

1,337 posts

265 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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The only problem with stopping this service boys and girls is that it will disable messages and alerts like PRINT JOB NOTIFICATIONS, WINDOWS ERRORS / PROBLEMS, VIRUS ALERTS (I Think) and anything else that your PC wants to alert you about in regards to the Operating System (Windows). Could be a pain for you peeps using the work PC, I.T dept. might get the ump, but should be OK for home PC.

Just thought I'd let you know, me if I'm wrong.



1,186 posts

282 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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...and if you get these kind of messages, then you aren't sufficiently firewalled from the internet.

You should install something like zonealarm, if you're connected to the internet for any length of time.


438 posts

273 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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Could anyone tell me how to do this for Windows 2000.


90,097 posts

295 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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Big T said:
The only problem with stopping this service boys and girls is that it will disable messages and alerts like PRINT JOB NOTIFICATIONS, WINDOWS ERRORS / PROBLEMS, VIRUS ALERTS (I Think) and anything else that your PC wants to alert you about in regards to the Operating System (Windows). Could be a pain for you peeps using the work PC, I.T dept. might get the ump, but should be OK for home PC.

Just thought I'd let you know, me if I'm wrong.


You'll still get error messages etc....

This disables the network Windows messenger service, the one which you can send messages to people on a network via "Winpopup".

Windows 2000 users should be able to disable the service by going Start/Run services.msc finding the Messenger select it, right click on it and disable.

This is purely a client/server network messenger service and not related in anyway to local Windows services or MSN Messenger.

I sorted this out ages ago and gave a solution in the Computing Forum, which is where this should have been posted in the first place

>> Edited by FourWheelDrift on Tuesday 15th July 10:00

simpo one

87,905 posts

276 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
quotequote all
'which is where this should have been posted in the first place'

Technically yes, but would we all have seen it then?

NB I changed the settings as stated and it's still popping up. Anyone else had this?


67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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tvrtim said:
Could anyone tell me how to do this for Windows 2000.

Control Panel>Administrative Tools>Services

To test it get someone on your network to net send [username]. If the message appears the messenger service is still running...

Big T

1,337 posts

265 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
quotequote all
FourWheelDrift said:

You'll still get error messages etc....

This disables the network Windows messenger service, the one which you can send messages to people on a network via "Winpopup".

Windows 2000 users should be able to disable the service by going Start/Run services.msc finding the Messenger select it, right click on it and disable.

This is purely a client/server network messenger service and not related in anyway to local Windows services or MSN Messenger.

I sorted this out ages ago and gave a solution in the Computing Forum, which is where this should have been posted in the first place

>> Edited by FourWheelDrift on Tuesday 15th July 10:00

But I thought the Alerter Service depended on the Messenger Service to send it's administrative alerts.
