Thumbnails and downloads from dig camera

Thumbnails and downloads from dig camera



Original Poster:

2,505 posts

294 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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Ok, tell me to go and RTFM (which I will admit I haven't had a chance to do properly yet) but what do people use for generating thumbnails for websites which when clicked will display full image. Ted?

I've just bought a Ixus400 which, because of the 4Mb resolution, not surprisingly results in piccie files of approx 1-1.Mb each when downloaded. For a website I run I obviously don't need that quality so I want to (ideally) batch save all downloaded images to thumbnails and say, 250kb, files (resized too).

Anyone recommend software (ideally free) that will handle batch conversions like this or do I need to get PSP etc? Are there settings with the Canon s/w that I haven't spotted yet?



171 posts

275 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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To do everything you seem to want to do I think you're going to have to get PSP or, better still, Photoshop. Have a rummage through the magazine racks and see if anyone's offering a free sampler or one of the "lite" versions of Photoshop. It could be your cheapest route.


27,234 posts

273 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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90,096 posts

295 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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If you are doing the HTML yourself you could always download the free Irfanfiew -

and just resize the original pic to a standard 75x75 size and rename it pic1thumb.jpg to match the bigger pic1.jpg image. Then use the little image as the thumbnail and link to it like this...replacing { brackets with < it will look something like below after you have done it, or it is created for you by Dreamweaver/Frontpage etc....

href="" target="blank"}{img
border="0" width="75" height="75"}{/a}

The Target="blank" section will open the image in it's own new window.


267 posts

295 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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I use MS Picture it and save a copy of my images as web size files. I then use Frontpage to autogenerate thumbnails.


267 posts

295 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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I use MS Picture it and save a copy of my images as web size files. I then use Frontpage to autogenerate thumbnails.


591 posts

273 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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OK. Try this free software and opens Photoshop files with layers intact.

check out which is running it.

It will do most things but not sure about batch conversion.

One more thing , when resizing your image set the resolution to either 72dpi or 100dpi, for screen use.
Higer resolutions are only useful for printing high quality versions of said images.

most PC monitors can only show 72 dpi !

The filesize saving is huge going from hi-res to 72 dpi.

>> Edited by Robertuk on Monday 14th July 15:19


1,413 posts

270 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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JAlbum is VERY good (& free!) -


Original Poster:

2,505 posts

294 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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Thanks guys - all great suggestions. Just got to have a play now and see which one I like the most. More PHs to the rescue!



8,293 posts

288 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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Here's another - ThumbsPlus from Has some nice batch mode stuff in there to autgenerate thumbnails. I've used it on and off since version 1, and it does what it says on the tin. Not hugely expensive, but not free.