Motherboard shuts down



Original Poster:

1,281 posts

268 months

Friday 11th July 2003
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Hi all.
I have a problem with my motherboard. It turns off after about 30 seconds. I am quite sure the problem is to do with the fan over the cpu. Because the new fan uses less current, the mobo thinks there isnt one there, and shuts down. The old fan broke, and I want to use the computer now, not wait for a new fan to arrive. What can I do to get around this. Im tempted to put a resistor on one of the cables, but which one and what value?.

The motherboard is a elite K7 SEM onboard processor etc.



4,330 posts

281 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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Have a look in the bios. There will be probably be a manual setting for the overheat shutdown. Monitor it carefully, because you ould be in danger of frying your components.

On another track, is your PSU up to the job? I had a nightmare after upgrading once with system shutdowns due to a underpowered PSU


2,482 posts

295 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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The CPU fans usually have a monitoring sensor (and assosiated third cable) that sends the speed of the fan to the motherboard. Hence the low current should be ignored.

You can make the CPU run cooler for the meantime by reducing the clock speed, front side bus speed and CPU voltage (to a certain extent). If you changed the CPU heatsink as well, did you use thermal paste when rejoining the two? I'm not a great fan but I'm told it is important.

Ian A.