How about memory stick Duos for my P800?

How about memory stick Duos for my P800?



Original Poster:

6,552 posts

295 months

Friday 11th July 2003
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The cheapest I have found a 128mb memory stick duo is about £55 from expansys. Does anyone know where I can get one for less?



Mr E

22,308 posts

270 months

Friday 11th July 2003
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£55 for a 128mb memory stick duo is a great price....

..they're not cheap I'm afraid....


8,293 posts

288 months

Friday 11th July 2003
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No they're not! I paid almost that for a 64Mb one from the Sony shop. Something so small and expensive ought to be shinier!


171 posts

275 months

Friday 11th July 2003
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I may have got the wrong end of the stick here, but try

They're listing a branded product (so assume it's not original Sony equipment) at £33.95 for 128Mb

(Having recommended these guys twice in the last few days, I should stress that I have no connection with them, other than as an occasional customer.)


8,293 posts

288 months

Friday 11th July 2003
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Dunno what u r lookin at Thumper ....
7dayshop said:
7dayshop Price £89.99


8,293 posts

288 months

Friday 11th July 2003
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No, I found it ... thats just a memory stick m8. The Duo is half the size (postage stamp size), comes with an adapter to fit into normal memory stick slot. Smaller = expensive!


7,412 posts

264 months

Saturday 12th July 2003
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is 128 the most you can get on the Duo?
256 would be great as i can then put about 2 episodes of Futurama on to the card and watch it to and from work.


8,293 posts

288 months

Saturday 12th July 2003
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I think so, and they aren't all that common yet. You may have to get two and put one episode on each!

You could always get a bluetooth enabled hard disk, I'm sure I've see one somewhere.

Here you go:
WPCE said:
The device contains a 5G-byte version of one of Toshiba's 1.8-inch hard disk drives and offers about 80 times the memory storage space offered by Toshiba's Genio 550 PDA and 10 times the capacity of the largest memory card on the market. It will hold around 1,000 average-length MP3 audio tracks, 3,000 digital images from a 3-megapixel camera or 37 hours of MPEG4 video encoded at 320 by 240 pixels and 15 frames per second, said Toshiba.

Seems it may only be available in Japan. The Hopbit they call it. You'd get the entire series on one of those!!

Scratch that, look here Boll*cks.

>> Edited by philshort on Saturday 12th July 09:22