Cheapest source of compact flash memory

Cheapest source of compact flash memory



Original Poster:

5,786 posts

275 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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I'm calling on the wealth of knowledge of PH'ers again!

I need a couple of Compact Flash cards, 64MB, 128 and higher possibly.

Has anyone trawled the sites before and found a good cheap supplier?
I've had a look at dabs and a few internet sites? Anyone want to point me at a good site?



1,143 posts

288 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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robp said:
I'm calling on the wealth of knowledge of PH'ers again!

I need a couple of Compact Flash cards, 64MB, 128 and higher possibly.

Has anyone trawled the sites before and found a good cheap supplier?
I've had a look at dabs and a few internet sites? Anyone want to point me at a good site?


Excellent source of toys at good prices


67,280 posts

281 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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1Gb for £160 delivered?


13,668 posts

272 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Said this before but some of the high street photo shops (Jessops for instance) will match internet prices, can be handy for taking stuff back


1,076 posts

295 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Asda do very cheap ones, think the 64meg card is £28



4,109 posts

295 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Got two SD cards and an adaptor from this crowd a couple of weeks ago.......


Original Poster:

5,786 posts

275 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Cheers people,

espansys was the cheapest, ordered a 256 for the time being. £43 delivered


16,442 posts

272 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Oooh. A bit late on this one.

Repeat after me:
"Always always always buy memory from Crucial"

{edited to add:} free delivery in uk, so £38.76 delivered

>> Edited by pdV6 on Thursday 10th July 12:18


1,898 posts

272 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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how about CF

32 MB £11.99
64 MB £12.99
128MB £22.99
256mb £54.99

from look on the ofers page if thay whont post I can go in and post them to you


16,442 posts

272 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Er, that's £16.23 extra for the 256Mb mentioned in the prior post and £11.99 more than he's paid. Why would that sound like a good idea?

>> Edited by pdV6 on Thursday 10th July 12:52


171 posts

275 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Also too late, but worth checking next time, is Their price for the 256 Mb is £37.75

Forgot to mention, P&P just 95 pence, hence . . .

>> Edited by Thumper on Thursday 10th July 16:56


Original Poster:

5,786 posts

275 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Thanks again for the late entries

It seems there is only £4-5 in the lowest prices.Dont you just love the internet!


4,330 posts

281 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Of no use for compact flash or smart media etc, but I use for finding cheap kit. You could probably find it cheaper but only by a small amount with a bit of effort.

Have no connection to it. It is only a comparison site but useful none the less


591 posts

273 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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most tech people in the know use:

256 MB c/f card is £36.42 inc.
512 MB for 76.38 inc.
above is 10x speed memory.

Check out their today only page for fanatastic offers.

Carriage is £7.00 so only worth it for a few more items.

Forgot sites that say *FREE* delievery they add a small fee to all items , which when summed comes to a lot more. Theres no such thing as a free lunch !

*Did you know that the buy one get one free offer we have here in the UK is not allowed in certain european countries (Germany is one I think) .
They argue that they should sell each item for half the value instead and is misleading to consumers. *

>> Edited by Robertuk on Thursday 10th July 17:15


171 posts

275 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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No, thank you! Your topic prompted me to do a bit of research, and discover that I could now buy a 128 Mb card for my camera for less than I paid for a 64 Mb card only two months ago. They'll be giving them away soon!

What narks me just a little is that they don't simply make them all with maximum capacity and have done with it. They cost the same amount to make whether they're 16Mb or 1 Gb, so it's all a con anyway. Ho hum.

(This was supposed to appear after robp's last post, but you guys just got in too quick for me)

>> Edited by Thumper on Thursday 10th July 17:18


591 posts

273 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Thats how the market works.

They do that with Processors as well.

The factory produces 1000MHz (1 GHZ) cpu's.

then underclock them (say to 600Mhz) and sell these in May for £X . Next in June they up the speed a bit to say 750Mhz and sell them for £y. Finally after a couple more months they release the full 1 GHZ CPU for £Z . Its this sliding scale that a lot of hardware producers have to use. This creates low,mid and high (corporate and affluent personal users) market sectors.

>> Edited by Robertuk on Thursday 10th July 18:20


16,442 posts

272 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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For memory, I still say go to Crucial.

They actually manufacture the stuff (rather than re-sell it)- postage is genuinely free and their after sales service is fantastic (recently replaced a DIMM that I'd had for over a year FOC no questions asked)


Original Poster:

5,786 posts

275 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Thumper said:
What narks me just a little is that they don't simply make them all with maximum capacity and have done with it. They cost the same amount to make whether they're 16Mb or 1 Gb, so it's all a con anyway.

Are you sure they cost the same?
If they did then surely one company would come along and slash prices of the big cards and make a small fortune?!


Original Poster:

5,786 posts

275 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Just read Robertuk's post, it appears they do cost the same.



591 posts

273 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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things used to be worse

Ten years ago when I was a school kid...

memory was £30 per MB !

My first windows pc had 1MB , I then spent my pocket money to *Upgrade* to 2MB .
The spoilt kid in my class had a stonking great 16MB !
with a 15 " Monitor ! (Most people had 14" screens).

now memory is very very cheap , but the flash type of memory is still gaining acceptance hence its high price.

I use Crucial as well, most shops/online stores buy from them !

I love the way you can select your computer manufacturer and type and it tells you what options you have. Very user friendly !