Saving pics right click BMP only???????

Saving pics right click BMP only???????



Original Poster:

90,096 posts

295 months

Wednesday 9th July 2003
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No I haven't started writing in code

Whenever I saw a nice pic on the internet and right clicked "save as" it always saved the pic in the format of the original, GIF, JPG etc... but now my PC is only giving me the option of BMP (?????!!FFS!!!?????) even for animated GIF's.

Does anyone know what switch has been changed on Windows or what has happened.

Running XP Home and MS Internet Explorer 6.something


1,175 posts

265 months

Wednesday 9th July 2003
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I seem to remember seeing something similar a little while back...the answer was to clear the cache (Go to the "Tools" menu, "Internet Options", and on the "General" tab click the "Delete files..." button). HTH.


22,612 posts

272 months

Wednesday 9th July 2003
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My machine started doing this after I installed my digital camera software. Never cured it.



Original Poster:

90,096 posts

295 months

Wednesday 9th July 2003
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dazren said:
My machine started doing this after I installed my digital camera software. Never cured it.

DAZ have to admit it doesn't do it all the time. I can click on smilies on here and save them as GIF's. Just seems every photo on websites (even my own!!!!!)

If I find a/sent a cure I'll let you know.


591 posts

273 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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I believe this is a bug in the browser.
If your temp folder is nearly full/full.

In Internet Explorer

Go to your tools >Internet Options

Look in the middle where it says temporary internet files. Click settings and move the slider up to give your temp folder (where all webpages are downloaded)
more space. Now you'll find this problem/bug happens less frequently. Have you got the latest veriosn of Internet Explorer ?

Hope this was useful to you.



Original Poster:

90,096 posts

295 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Robertuk said:
I believe this is a bug in the browser.
If your temp folder is nearly full/full.

In Internet Explorer

Go to your tools >Internet Options

Look in the middle where it says temporary internet files. Click settings and move the slider up to give your temp folder (where all webpages are downloaded)
more space. Now you'll find this problem/bug happens less frequently. Have you got the latest veriosn of Internet Explorer ?

Hope this was useful to you.


I think you and TJA are on the right tracks. I have the latest IE6 but haven't run CleanSweep for a while. Have done it and now all seems to be fine.

Strange thing though

Thanks all.


22,612 posts

272 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Ta very much.



171 posts

275 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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OK, but I have another (similar) problem. Whenever I try to save an image it always wants to call it a JPEG, with an "E". I have to backspace and delete this "e" before saving, or else do it manually through Windows Explorer later. It's a real pain, and not related to a full temporary folder, as far as I know. Mine's set to self destruct every two days anyway. Any suggestions?


171 posts

275 months

Saturday 12th July 2003
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Oh, I've worked with Macs alright . . . for years and years, and they fall over every bit as often as a PC - probably more. So I recognise the JPEG suffix for its Mac origins, but I just don't want it on my PC.


591 posts

273 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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(RE)Solution !

This way images that save as .JPEG instead of .JPG
will open as normal without you doing extra work !

Go to My Documents or Windows Explorer.

Tools > Folder Options

select the File Types tab

Click New

Enter .JPEG in the white box and click advanced.

In the drop down list find and click the JPEG file type. This means it will treat .JPEG the same as .JPG
cool !

Now whatever options you ge for .JPG you ge for .JPEG !

Enjoy !


171 posts

275 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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Done that, thanks. I'd still like to know why the "Save picture as" dialogue in IE always wants to convert a .JPG into a .JPEG on my system. It didn't always do this, so I must have changed a setting somewhere. Frustrating, that's all.


591 posts

273 months

Monday 14th July 2003
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I think its a well known *bug* in IE
(or perhaps design feature ! ?)

IE does quite a bit of complicated stuff and I'm just glad that it works for 99.99 percent of the time for 99.98 percent of us !


13,668 posts

272 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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Cheers guys, I too tried this last night. Picture files now take up much les space