1001 Uses For An Old Laser !!



Original Poster:

20,854 posts

286 months

Wednesday 9th July 2003
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Apart from attaching it to the end of a cable, suspended from a crane and demolishing Gatsos...

Or tying Transport Ministers to it before throwing it in the Thames...

I have an old printer (IBM 4019e - yes, THAT old!!) which has once more expired. Last time I fixed it got a few more years work out of it.

Anybody know if there is anywhere/anyone that fixes these and can put them to a good, preferably charitable use?

It seems a shame for it to go to it's maker, become deceased, rest in peace and fall off this mortal coil, when it's only sleeping.

Lovely plumage...


1,676 posts

275 months

Wednesday 9th July 2003
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beano500 said:

Apart from attaching it to the end of a cable, suspended from a crane and demolishing Gatsos...

Or tying Transport Ministers to it before throwing it in the Thames...

I have an old printer (IBM 4019e - yes, THAT old!!) which has once more expired. Last time I fixed it got a few more years work out of it.

Anybody know if there is anywhere/anyone that fixes these and can put them to a good, preferably charitable use?

It seems a shame for it to go to it's maker, become deceased, rest in peace and fall off this mortal coil, when it's only sleeping.

Lovely plumage...

Try ITM in Hounslow - they are experts at fixing IBM kit.


Original Poster:

20,854 posts

286 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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Thanks for the tip!