Yahoo, and other problems



Original Poster:

13,316 posts

289 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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Not got a great deal of help from this thread so I'll try in here......
Anyway it's still not working, but someone else on another pooter can log in as me and it all works fine, so my guess is it's something thats happened to my machine over night
Last thing yesterday I deleted all the temp internet files, which I normally do once a week anyway.
It lets me log in, see that I have unread email, but just will not open them, I get the same problem when I try and log in to ebay as well now
Anyone got any idea what I've done, or whats happened


3,183 posts

274 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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I've had this as well in the past - some thoughts :-

1. Are you on XP - in which case are any other accounts logged in?
2. Try deleting all yahoo related cookies
3. Close all browser windows and manually delete all files in Temp internet folders
4. Manually empty any other temp folders (but take care not to kill anything else!)
5. Try registering a new yahoo account and seeing if that works, after then logout and try your real one...


67,280 posts

279 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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Sounds like some sort of authentication issue due to the deletion of a cookie perhaps?


Original Poster:

13,316 posts

289 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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tvrforever said:
1. Are you on XP - in which case are any other accounts logged in?

No Windows 98
tvrforever said:

2. Try deleting all yahoo related cookies

Are these all going to be in the temp internet directory, if so they've all gone.
tvrforever said:

3. Close all browser windows and manually delete all files in Temp internet folders

I presume I can highlight all and mass delete.
tvrforever said:

4. Manually empty any other temp folders (but take care not to kill anything else!)

Any idea what I'm looking for? I'm a complete pooter numpty
tvrforever said:

5. Try registering a new yahoo account and seeing if that works, after then logout and try your real one

I'll give this a try as well though


Original Poster:

13,316 posts

289 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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Tryed opening a new account and that doesn't work either, it will not even show me the welcome to yahoo email it's sent me


3,183 posts

274 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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First of all close all running applications down and all browser windows.

You 'should'* be safe deleting files in the following :-

"C:/Documents and Settings/XXXX/Local Settings/Temp"
"C:/Documents and Settings/XXXX/Local Settings/Temporary Internet Files"

Where XXXX is the username you longin as on the machine. You 'should' also be safe deleting any subfolders of the ones above as well.

*That being said please be careful as the wrong click could cause all sorts of problems

You might also want to check that your browser is still allowing cookies properly - Tools -> Internet Options -> Privacy (mine is medium)

I take it you've gone through the usual 'reboot' cycles before and after clearing files as well?

>> Edited by tvrforever on Tuesday 8th July 16:23

>> Edited by tvrforever on Tuesday 8th July 16:24


Original Poster:

13,316 posts

289 months

Wednesday 9th July 2003
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Well it's still bd today, can't find half the files I'm s'posed to be deleting anyway and now my outlook 'company' email isn't working, think it's time to call in the IT support people
At least PH continues to work