Sage Instant Accounts



Original Poster:

801 posts

273 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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Was using Sage yesterday and it crashed on me while I was compiling a report. Now I can't get it to open. I get the message "Username in use - cannot connect at this time".

I've looked on the Sage website and its next to useless. Has anybody had this before and know how to fix it?



67,280 posts

281 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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Does this help?


1,493 posts

274 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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I've had this before and I remember that the advice from Sage was to delete a particular file that would normally be deleted when you exit Sage normally. Sage then rebuilds the file when it restarts.

Unfortunately I cannot remember the filename - sorry!!

Last time it happened to me, it was quicker to reinstall Sage and restore from a backup - this only takes about 10 mins and may be your best bet if you are in a hurry. You do have a recent backup don't you?

Dave Clarke


1,676 posts

275 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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does Instant accounting have an administrator account? if so log in with that to remove the other login...


1,947 posts

295 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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The file you need to search for I believe/recall is 'queue.dta' there are several ocurrences. Delete all into recycle bin (just in case I'm wrong ) restart sage and it should work.

evidently the latest update has stopped this "feature" hope this helps.


592 posts

274 months

Tuesday 15th July 2003
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smeagol's right. The file QUEUE.DTA needs to be deleted. Don't worry, Sage creates a new file each time the program starts and automatically deletes it when exiting. Any crashes will leave the file intact and prevent further use of the program.


Original Poster:

801 posts

273 months

Thursday 17th July 2003
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Cheers chaps... fixed...