New Tomb Raider game how to.........

New Tomb Raider game how to.........



Original Poster:

1,426 posts

280 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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The game starts out as a refresher of the controls, how to jump, hop climb things etc. Very early on you climb through a window open a cupboard and get some money, open a draw and get a chocolate bar, pick up some gold coins off the floor then………. you spy the cupboard with the padlock on it, when you try to open it you get the help subtitles and voice over tell you that you’ll need something to prise the lock off (all going great so far) you see the metal bar in the corner and can you get to it like heck can you any answers?…. and no I can’t be bothered to buy the guide !! Have carried on past this point and it’s still bugging me even after sleeping on it


Original Poster:

1,426 posts

280 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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anyone .......


65 posts

271 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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Try here
Gamefaqs are very good and usually have all the game walkthru's you can look at for free as well as hints and tips

hope it helps - know how frustrating it can get
if yr stuck and cant get any further


3,005 posts

295 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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didnt even know its out yet!! they kept delaying it. my birthday is next week, and Im banned from shopping in case I buy something Im already getting... grrr...


Original Poster:

1,426 posts

280 months

Tuesday 8th July 2003
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Cheers chaps Very worth the wait is all I have to say !!

Ballistic Banana

14,702 posts

278 months

Thursday 10th July 2003
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rebnted it for 3 days, go to the roof get the crow bar off the ledge after moving drum and then return to the cupboard to get the shooter.