Network solutions



Original Poster:

1,693 posts

241 months

Sunday 6th July 2003
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Anyone know anythink about ? 80% of my trojan/backdoor alerts eminate from this company from different location all over the world.
The visual tracking on this Norton firewall is excellent and narrowed the last attack down to a computer in Ealing with some sort of computer address. I wouldn't know what to do with this information but it's really annoying. They are NOT going to get in, no way, bog off!


1,534 posts

263 months

Sunday 6th July 2003
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bilko said:
Anyone know anythink about ? 80% of my trojan/backdoor alerts eminate from this company from different location all over the world.
The visual tracking on this Norton firewall is excellent and narrowed the last attack down to a computer in Ealing with some sort of computer address. I wouldn't know what to do with this information but it's really annoying. They are NOT going to get in, no way, bog off!

there are an american hosting company chances are someone is using them as a relay


801 posts

271 months

Monday 7th July 2003
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They handle most of the .com domain registrations for the whole of the internet. Kind of like a .com/US version of Nominet...