Old 45's and LP's to MP3



Original Poster:

637 posts

280 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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I own about 300 45's from the late 70's from my brothers exploits as a DJ.

I wish to rip these to my PC, copyright applied for of course. Anyone know if its OK to take the Pre-Amp output of my NAD amp to the line input of my sound card?

My other option is to use the CD Line Out via a Denon cassette deck.

Just looking for the best quality option.


89,911 posts

293 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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Have a look at www.telegraph.co.uk/connected/main.jhtml?xml=/connected/2003/05/20/ecrboot20.xml

and then for part 2 www.telegraph.co.uk/connected/main.jhtml?xml=/connected/2003/05/29/ecrboot27.xml

does they help or not, have had those saved for a while but never got round to using them yet myself.

>> Edited by FourWheelDrift on Friday 4th July 22:54


7,553 posts

274 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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That looks like a good guide, but I've always seen DART ( www.dartpro.com ) recommended for vinyl recording. As well as handling the recording itself, it's apparently great at "audio restoration" - removing hiss, clicks, pops and other noise that gets in the way.

It's not free (standard is about $80, pro $200) but probably worth it if you're going to put in the effort for 300 records.