Java Virtual Machine... help?



Original Poster:

53,174 posts

293 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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OK Chaps I keep getting a gret pop-up box telling me I need to download the Java Virtual Machine. If I click on ok it takes me to a Microsoft web site full of downloads but not Java! I been to the real Java (Sun's) site and clicked on automatic download, but still seem to have the problem. Is it a case of the java program not being in the right place in my directory or what's wrong?

Clues/Ideas anyone! Thanks Rich...


7,156 posts

286 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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According to Roop you have to choose the manual download from the sun site.



Original Poster:

53,174 posts

293 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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Thanks - I just tried that, downloaded about 7.5 mgb but its still not working! Thoughts? R...


26,925 posts

271 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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Pretty sure that the full IE6 install contains the virtual machine - might be worth trying?


28,377 posts

293 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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Your problem is that you have no Java VM. Microsoft won't ship theirs anymore due to the court case with Sun and Sun don't make it easy for you to get theirs to work with I.E.

They can both fcuk off as far as I am concerned.

But what's to do is to get the very, very latest I.E. from Microsoft...and then have a go at getting the Sun VM.

Its either that or try and install an old I.E. with a proper Java VM from Microsoft.

Between then Sun and Microsoft need their heads banging together and be given the soundest kicking I can conceive of.

Sorry you're caught in the middle of it.

My Company is about to 1) one hand lose tens of thousands over it and 2) on the other make a mint of money helping people with fcuked software port it to the new I.E. Sun Java environment.

In a few months Microsoft will ship a new .NET Applet environment and support only that from now on and so everybody will be fcuked.

Thank you Bill and Scott. You're both cnuts.


4,415 posts

278 months

Friday 4th July 2003
quotequote all then click on 'get it now'

But it's not small.


Original Poster:

53,174 posts

293 months

Saturday 5th July 2003
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nevpugh308 said: then click on 'get it now'

But it's not small.
Yep (7.5 mgb) but if you read what I said a few lines ago it don't work on my PC. Rich...


600 posts

275 months

Saturday 5th July 2003
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Goto and download the 'Windows Offline installation' for the JRE and run the setup program.

I don't know what you downloaded from but it's not the JRE as it weights in at 14Mb



4,415 posts

278 months

Saturday 5th July 2003
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Hang on, I'm all confused. The JRE (runtime) is only 1.4mb. The SDK (development) is something like 14mb, yes, but unless you want to develop with Java, you dont need that.

If you go to the url mentioned above ( then look to the SECOND section, you see

Download J2SE v 1.4.2
Windows Installation (info)

Click on the 'download' below the JRE line. Then click on "no thank you, continue" and "accept" and you're at the page where it says

Download j2re-1_4_2-windows-i586-iftw.exe

which is 1,390,120 bytes.

Check there's no old version of the Java JRE in add/remove programs before installing (uninstall first).

Try that and let us know. If it doesn't work, can you give us more info (e.g. more than "but its still not working!" ... what fails ? the install ? does it still come up with the message ? do you get some other error ?)



600 posts

275 months

Saturday 5th July 2003
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The SDK is around 30Mb, the installer your looking at is just a wrapper that then downloads the indivual components from the Sun site. Which is why I suggested he download of the offline installation version.

As you say it is worth checking incase an older broken install is present. If the windows installer doesn't show anything up have a look in c:program filesjavasoft for old JRE versions.


4,415 posts

278 months

Saturday 5th July 2003
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rsvnigel said:
the installer your looking at is just a wrapper

Doh. I hate it when they do that !!


Original Poster:

53,174 posts

293 months

Monday 7th July 2003
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Thanks Nev et al, I think maybe "uninstalling" all the old Java files I had maybe did the trick, anyway uninstaled, then loaded the 1.32 MB .exe file as you said this then installed the Java 2 Runtime Environment, SE 1.4.2 (which in turn appeared to download 6 MB via my net connection) it created some JAR files and all is up and running nicely! Thanks Rich...


4,415 posts

278 months

Monday 7th July 2003
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Woo yay ! Good news