Quick Win XP Question....



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5,612 posts

267 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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My copy is about to expire (won't accept the product code-30 days nearly over).

If I reinstall it now do I get another 30 days, or will IU have to reformat it?

I only ask coz it'll be dead for half next week if I wait for them to get me a replacement copy...


8,893 posts

276 months


Original Poster:

5,612 posts

267 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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I've got a real serial key, the bastard thing just won't accept it.


3,251 posts

267 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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ill email you a win xp pro key, in the event you dont get any better advice you could always give it a go



13,668 posts

270 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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Happenned to me and believe it or not.....

Ring the MS help, you get a automated product doodah (technical term) have to input the product code, they then give yo a new authorisation code

Worked for me


16,442 posts

270 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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Alan, I take it you went through the process of contacting MS to get a product activation key for WinXP that's unique to you?

If you have and it doesn't work, get on the blower to Microsoft asap.

NB You shouldn't be able to use other people's keys, as they're supposed to be unique to your hardware combination.


Original Poster:

5,612 posts

267 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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pdV6 said:
Alan, I take it you went through the process of contacting MS to get a product activation key for WinXP that's unique to you?

If you have and it doesn't work, get on the blower to Microsoft asap.

NB You shouldn't be able to use other people's keys, as they're supposed to be unique to your hardware combination.

Odd situation here.

We're a small business, I've just set up a few more XP machines for them.

We've got 3 machines on the same product key, only one of which wants authorisation, we have a spare copy, but no matter what I try I can't change the product key on this machine to match the spare disk.

I can't phone microsoft direct as an outside contractor is meant to be handling it, and I don't really have that much of a clue what I'm doing...

Going back to my other question at the start of the thread, what will happen if I try to reinstall it?


67,280 posts

279 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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If you delete the primary partition reformat and reinstall then it will give you another 30 days.

Dont know how you FDISK without DOS though!


Original Poster:

5,612 posts

267 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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Ah. I was hoping to reinstall as there's a load of stuff on this machine I don't want to use.

Useless IT support contractors should have had this done over 2 weeks ago...


16,442 posts

270 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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plotloss said:
If you delete the primary partition reformat and reinstall then it will give you another 30 days.

Dont know how you FDISK without DOS though!

Win98 boot disk!


67,280 posts

279 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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pdV6 said:

plotloss said:
If you delete the primary partition reformat and reinstall then it will give you another 30 days.

Dont know how you FDISK without DOS though!

Win98 boot disk!

Good call!


Original Poster:

5,612 posts

267 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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That's what I used 1st time round...


13,116 posts

265 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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Alan YHM


Original Poster:

5,612 posts

267 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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I've replied now. Cheers for the offer...


Original Poster:

5,612 posts

267 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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Thanks for the input guys, the computer people just got back to me and it's all sorted now...


2,480 posts

293 months

Monday 7th July 2003
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paolow said:
ill email you a win xp pro key, in the event you dont get any better advice you could always give it a go


Just a quick warning. If Microsoft find people giving out keys (they have to be business i.e. Open license keys to work on other PCs), they will a) prosecute you and b) cancel your key in the next service pack.

Ian A.