Fair value of used PCs



Original Poster:

21,604 posts

281 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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Company I am working for is winding up one operation and will be getting shot of some PCs. They are a couple of years old but were quite hi spec workstations. Any idea where I can get an idea of what they are worth?


6,930 posts

260 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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need to know the spec.


16,442 posts

270 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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...but pretty much bugger all if 2 years old.

IIRC PC equipment can be depreciated down to zero value over 2 years anyway, so worth precisely nothing to the company?
{edited to add} you're probably doing the company a favour by taking them off their hands!

>> Edited by pdV6 on Wednesday 2nd July 15:02


1,676 posts

273 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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I had to do this for a leasing company - we just took a price off of ebay for something similar.


1,493 posts

272 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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Can't you write off PC's in 1 year or have the rules changed recently?


67,280 posts

279 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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Less than £100 per box.

Thats being generous.


11,298 posts

281 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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I'll have em all at £20 a box..


11,298 posts

281 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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How many are we talking here?



89,908 posts

293 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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E-bay them, people will buy any old crap off of there at the moment.


9,396 posts

267 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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Let me know what you have, we deal with alot of ex lease equipment and may well take the lot off you for refurbishment.


Original Poster:

21,604 posts

281 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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thanks for the e-bay suggestion ... have managed to find good matches on the items, which are mainly Dell Precision workstations. It's given me a basis on which to make an offer for some of the stuff, which is what I was after. Thanks again.

umar b

1,484 posts

276 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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ATG, is there not a chance you could sell some individualy, ie just 1...for me?

I'm looking for just a box as my home pc is....er...geting on a bit.

let me know



Original Poster:

21,604 posts

281 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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umar ... to be honest, the kit we've got is probably not suitable for home use. They were fitted with stupidly small hard discs which anyone would need to upgrade, but they've all got SCSI controllers, so the new discs would still be quite expensive ... i.e. about equal to what the machine is worth.

If you're looking for a cheap PC, have a look at e-bay. I've just spent an hour gawping at some of the prices on there.


9,396 posts

267 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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Umar - drop me a line if you are after a cheap used machine we have stacks of them available