Website/Flash/HTML Help



Original Poster:

5,420 posts

268 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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The computers are rebelling, they really have something against me at the moment.

I've created a new Navbar on my website as I had a few complaints about the noise the others made when you clicked them.

I created one, then thought I'd add a page, so created another one - changed the HTML for the new navbar and uploaded everything.

I'm still getting the old navbar

That's the location of where the new navbar should be if it helps (there should be 2 equal length lines - it's missing my added page - Land Rovers)



>>> Edited by Graham.J on Wednesday 2nd July 09:59


Original Poster:

5,420 posts

268 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
quotequote all
All is fine now, must've taken a while to upload.