Norton internet security



Original Poster:

1,693 posts

243 months

Tuesday 1st July 2003
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Just downloaded the above from symantec web site, took a good 10 hours with my 56k modem, must upgrade! backup disk in post.
Anyway within the last 3 hours i have had at least 3 different companies trying to get into my computer using "backdoor/subseven Trojan horse" thingys
Before my norton firewall i had zone alarm and i thought i was safe from these intrusions, guess not.
Anyway locked down now tighter than my backdoor


19 posts

268 months

Tuesday 1st July 2003
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I have had the norton internet security installed on my new laptop from day one, i have sill managed to get a virus which means that when ever i click an e-mail link.. 60 web pages open up rarther than going to my outlook express!!!


1,941 posts

285 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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bean said:
I have had the norton internet security installed on my new laptop from day one, i have sill managed to get a virus which means that when ever i click an e-mail link.. 60 web pages open up rarther than going to my outlook express!!!

a techie friend of mine said that norton is not that good and recommended mcafee. try it out.


6,931 posts

262 months

Thursday 3rd July 2003
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The free zone alarm firewall is crap!

The non-free, zone alarm pro, is very good!, you can also run more than one firewall on a machine if you're that paranoid! I.e. run the norton one (crap so i've heard) and zone alarm pro. but if you do run zone alarm, get the pro version.

If you got a virus aren't you running anti-virus?


6,931 posts

262 months

Thursday 3rd July 2003
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or if you want real security, setup a linux proxy server.


8,893 posts

278 months

Thursday 3rd July 2003
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And an even better reason to ditch Zone Alarm