Wi-Fi Hotspots



Original Poster:

1,676 posts

273 months

Tuesday 1st July 2003
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I have been asked by one of my custoemrs to help setup an internet cafe. As part of this I want to setup a Wi-Fi hotspot. Does anyone on here have any knowledge of this? I can do the networking etc no problem but its the charging/various connectivity issues that I'm finding quite problematic.

How will I know if they've been on for more than their 2 hours etc? How can I get staff (relatively untrained) to connect customers (completely untrained ) to our network?

All the internet cafe software about doesn't seem to cover wireless at all.


1,493 posts

272 months

Wednesday 2nd July 2003
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There was an article in the June 03 issue (no 104) of PC Pro about Wireless Hotspots from which you may get some relevant information. If you can't access it from the PC Pro website then drop me an email with your email address and i'll scan it and email it to you.

Dave Clarke


637 posts

280 months

Friday 4th July 2003
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I'll be able to help. Have been implementing WiFi and security systems for some time. Send me a mail.
