Change of Employment Contract Law

Change of Employment Contract Law


paul r

Original Poster:

1,181 posts

294 months

Monday 30th June 2003
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Does anyone know if there is any law stating how long an Employer has to give their employees to read and sign a new contract of employment?


4 posts

260 months

Monday 30th June 2003
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There is no defined period for changing a contract.

To action the change the mutual agreement is required - i.e you need to sign. They can specify when you need to respond by.

They can't force changes upon you as that is breach of your current contract and a breach of mutual trust and confidence.

What they could do (if they can clearly show the change is for a justifiable business need) is terminate your current contract (give you the boot) - or make you redundant on those terms - kind of depends on what and why they are changing and if they put a 'subject to change' clause in your original contract.

If still in doubt contact ACAS who give free employment law advice to employers and employees.

paul r

Original Poster:

1,181 posts

294 months

Tuesday 1st July 2003
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