Which digital camera software



Original Poster:

5,786 posts

275 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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After playing about with the new camera I have decided that the Cannon software is a bit poor and its not very easy to use or intuitve. I've got a copy of ACDSee which I like but its about 3 years old now.

Anyone recommend a good piece of software that allows photos to be edited and is easy to use? I will probably go out and buy some but I would like some advice from people who have used the software first!



90,094 posts

295 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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MGI Photosuite is pretty good.

Photoshop too (doh!)


Original Poster:

5,786 posts

275 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:
MGI Photosuite is pretty good.

Photoshop too (doh!)

How much is it? I'm sure someone told me and I was shocked!


7,922 posts

272 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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You could also get Photoshop LE - not as many features as on the full £xxx kit, but still excellent. And about a tenth of the price IIRC.

Mind you, you did say easy to use - Photoshop is easy to use if you buy a good guide to it (Amazon do some good ones) or you've trained in how to use it, but it's not very intuitive for the first-time user. Paint Shop Pro is easier to use and the results are also pretty good.

Just my 2p's worth.

>> Edited by SGirl on Friday 27th June 13:19


591 posts

273 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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ok it can be a bit tricky to get started with but theres plenty of help on the web.

download The Gimp - www.gimp.org
( you need two files for windows)

its fast opens photoshop files and has a huge range of filters+effects.

oh and its free ! (it can occasionally crash but its great for digital photo's)

just use the right click mouse button over the image.


267 posts

295 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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Microsoft Digital Image Pro!... or Microsoft Picture It.

Very easy to use for beginners (Like myself).


90,094 posts

295 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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robp said:

FourWheelDrift said:
MGI Photosuite is pretty good.

Photoshop too (doh!)

How much is it? I'm sure someone told me and I was shocked!

MGI Photosuite £9.99

Adobe Photoshop 7 £585.99 (from Amazon)


Original Poster:

5,786 posts

275 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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FourWheelDrift said:

robp said:

FourWheelDrift said:
MGI Photosuite is pretty good.

Photoshop too (doh!)

How much is it? I'm sure someone told me and I was shocked!

MGI Photosuite £9.99

Adobe Photoshop 7 £585.99 (from Amazon)

Think I have a demo of MGI somewhere, will give it a go.
£600 for photoshop?

Cheers for all the advice above people aswell I'll have a play with some of the free ones first!

Whats so good about photoshop then? Or is that like saying whats so good about a Ferrari......if you dont know then you dont understand!


2,235 posts

287 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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robp said:

Whats so good about photoshop then?

It's just a professional tool with much more features, bells and whistles that the average home user needs.
You could also look at Adobe Photoshop Elements which is easier to use than LE. You can usually find demos on PC mag CDs or download from Adobe:


Costs about £72.