8 bit, u-law, 8000 Hz, one-channel, Sun ".au" file

8 bit, u-law, 8000 Hz, one-channel, Sun ".au" file



Original Poster:

4,415 posts

279 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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Okay, I'm calling on the great God P'stonHead to solve my obscure question of the week ! If this gets answered, I will respond with much-o respect and prayers .....

Java applets require sound files to be in .au format, and specifically 8 bit, u-law, 8000 Hz, one-channel format.

(yes, I know certain versions of Windoze and IE can play more formats, but that's not much use for Netscape/Mozilla/Opera/AOL users etc)

Does anyone know of a program that can convert other .wav and .au files to the above format, so I can use then in Java applets ?

The closest I've got so far is Cool Edit which supports 4 different .au formats, but only mu-law, not u-law.

I await any response with keen anticipation, 24 lit candles and a smoking handbag ....


1,217 posts

289 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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I think I have found a freeware mac app (SoundApp) which seems to convert from/to u-law. If you still need help, let me know, send me the files (assuming they aren't too big) and I will download it and try and convert them for you.




90,084 posts

294 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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SoundForge from Sonic Foundry will do it.


>> Edited by FourWheelDrift on Friday 27th June 10:50


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

279 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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Sparks : u got mail !
4WD : will look up that app, thanks !


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

279 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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4WD you da man


90,084 posts

294 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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nevpugh308 said:
4WD you da man

You can get a trial version from Kazaa type places


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

279 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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I was just about to comment "Flip, they dont do a trial version that saves, and it's $350" but you beat me to it.

Ahem. I will "buy" it from Kazaa then


Original Poster:

4,415 posts

279 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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*** THANKS 4WD *** !

That program works a treat, and did the job spot on !

Buy you both a beer sometime ....


90,084 posts

294 months

Friday 27th June 2003
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nevpugh308 said:
*** THANKS 4WD *** !

That program works a treat, and did the job spot on !

Buy you both a beer sometime ....



7,848 posts

270 months

Tuesday 1st July 2003
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If you want Open Source (-ish) then SoX is quite good;
