Opinion needed



Original Poster:

1,175 posts

263 months

Thursday 26th June 2003
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I have the chance to do a training course paid for by my employer and have been searching for who/where/what.

GBDirect have come up with something pretty close to what I want (Intermediate/advanced Cplusplus...why don't plus signs appear? ). Has here anyone used this company before, or know anything about them?


122 posts

272 months

Thursday 26th June 2003
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I haven't heard of them, but I use a technical training company called Interquad, they've got offices all over the country and I've found them to be very good.

The number I use is 0161 8736320, worth a try.

Don't know if that helps.

>> Edited by woodster on Thursday 26th June 12:38


12,425 posts

275 months

Thursday 26th June 2003
quotequote all
tja said:
why don't plus signs appear? ).
+++ plus signs only do not appear in preview, but they actually do in your post +++


1,534 posts

263 months

Thursday 26th June 2003
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woodster said:
I haven't heard of them, but I use a technical training company called Interquad, they've got offices all over the country and I've found them to be very good.

The number I use is 0161 8736320, worth a try.

Don't know if that helps.

i have used them you can haggle the price down but you have to be pushy

>> Edited by woodster on Thursday 26th June 12:38


Original Poster:

1,175 posts

263 months

Thursday 26th June 2003
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Thanks woodster, I will give them a try and see what they have to offer.


6,025 posts

292 months

Monday 30th June 2003
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Try learning tree.

always use them for my training needs.
they cover everything from windoze to sun, cisco to nortel plus all the web wizzie things inbetween. on an sql course in 4 weeks time