URGENT - CD Duplicator Required

URGENT - CD Duplicator Required



Original Poster:

13,835 posts

264 months

Monday 23rd June 2003
quotequote all
Right then, we have a requirement for 3,000 CD ROM business cards. Printed 5 colours and supplied with clear PVC sleeves.

Artwork for the print is ready now.

The file for duplication can be uploaded onto an FTP site either late tonight or tomorrow morning.

Here's the sting: we need 1,000 delivered to a central London address by 9.00am on Thursday morning (26th) without fail.

Anybody out there who can help?

The profile takes you to my home address so mail: stephenb@pagemediagroup.com


luca brazzi

3,981 posts

274 months

Monday 23rd June 2003
quotequote all
can you phone me asap please...maybe able to help.


Original Poster:

13,835 posts

264 months

Monday 23rd June 2003
quotequote all
luca brazzi said:
can you phone me asap please...maybe able to help.

......and your number is?........


67,280 posts

279 months

Monday 23rd June 2003
quotequote all

Are you still looking for assitance with this matter.

I sent your post to a mate who works in this business and she has sent back a response with costs etc.

I'll send it over if you want...

luca brazzi

3,981 posts

274 months

Monday 23rd June 2003
quotequote all
steviebee said:

luca brazzi said:
can you phone me asap please...maybe able to help.

......and your number is?........
I sent you an email with the number.......07788 128 964