Win2000 problem



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

276 months

Friday 20th June 2003
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Hi All

Just wondering if there is a way of deleting the sytem reg for software and hardware as my hardware wizard doesnt recognise or allow me to install my new graphics card, also it says Norton AV is installed but it has never been installed and i want to install it but it wont allow me.

any ideas




405 posts

260 months

Friday 20th June 2003
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Just wondering, is this your new 2K installation from a couple of weeks ago, or an unrelated problem?


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

276 months

Friday 20th June 2003
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2 3 weeks ago.??


716 posts

280 months

Friday 20th June 2003
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stc_bennett said:
2 3 weeks ago.??

You were going to do a fresh install?


7,553 posts

274 months

Friday 20th June 2003
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sysprep - either find it on your windows CD or the Microsoft site. It's designed to prepare for imaging, so that on next boot it redetects all hardware (and changes SIDs and other stuff irrelevant to this).

Should do the job.


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

276 months

Friday 20th June 2003
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i have got 13 pc with win 2000 pro on, 9 out of the 13 have no problem 3 cant install new graphics card, the other i cant install norton pfw/av...

is there away of deleting the registry to allow for hardware d4etection as in win98.

also the pc with the software problem only winamp is on theres there a similar way to remove or delete the software registry



PS dont wanna spend all weekend installing win 2000 4 times