Fault Report for insurance company

Fault Report for insurance company



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

276 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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Hi just wondering if anyone can do a fault/failure report for a laptop and 2 harddrives.

The laptop is out of warrenty and same with the 2 harddrives. These were damaged by the removal company and i would like to get them replaced and am finding it hard and costly to do so.

i have taken them to some computer service centres around here but none will give me a fault report without it costing money.

I have managed to obtain free quotes for everything else damage except computer equipment.

hope someone can help

cheers steve


39,840 posts

278 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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What brand(s) is/are the laptop & hard drives?


>> Edited by Kinky on Thursday 19th June 01:14


Original Poster:

5,252 posts

276 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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Hi The LAptop is an old ish AST P200 i think

the HArd drives are Seagete 80Gig, and a Western Digital 40Gig

Cheers Steve


6,107 posts

268 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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When I bust my 21" monitor some years back (when 21" monitors cost more than houses ) the insurance company wanted a damage report/replacement quote. I went to my local PC place and said that if they supply the paperwork for the insurance company I'll buy the new kit from them. Job done


39,840 posts

278 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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Sorry Steve - no go with AST. I can't personally help you with that or the drives.

However, I might know a man who can. It'll have to wait until Monday as I'm out of the office tomorrow.