Photos in Documents



Original Poster:

5,602 posts

272 months

Wednesday 18th June 2003
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Can anyone give me brief guidelines as to which resolution /pixel sizes etc for using when scanning photograps in documents. And the preferred file type eg Jpeg, Btmaps etc. I use photos in either PowerPoint or Word.

Please bear in mind I only have access to Photoshop LE 4 at work.


1,676 posts

273 months

Wednesday 18th June 2003
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Big_M said:
Can anyone give me brief guidelines as to which resolution /pixel sizes etc for using when scanning photograps in documents. And the preferred file type eg Jpeg, Btmaps etc. I use photos in either PowerPoint or Word.

Please bear in mind I only have access to Photoshop LE 4 at work.

Do you want good quality prints?

About 150dpi and set the size to approximatley the right size ie if its to be printed on A4 then put the dimensions for a4 in.

Photoshop 4 LE will be fine - bitmaps or Jpegs best to use.

Jpegs are compressed so use anything as low as 80% quality to retain a good look. Bitmaps are'nt compressed and give an excellent quality but will make you file sizes big.

>> Edited by alunr on Wednesday 18th June 13:55


10,857 posts

276 months

Wednesday 18th June 2003
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Debs, the other thing to bear in mind is that if you up the DPI, you may encounter out of memory problems - it may attempt to cache the scan and fall over.

I speak from experience!


12,425 posts

275 months

Wednesday 18th June 2003
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the resolution of the picture, you want to use depends on how you want to publish them, and what dpi the media could display:

Monitor (slide show, web, etc.):72...100 dpi

Printing (laser, inkjet, plotter, ...) 200...600 dpi

For printing, you best use *.tif, but all others will do too.

For monitor display, the filesize often is important. The best for pictures is *.jpg, for small animations and symbols *.gif, and for pictures with few colours or transparent background *.png


Original Poster:

5,602 posts

272 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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Many thanks for all your help. I have presentations to prepare for three seminars - each with about 80 photos to be scanned - deep joy.