Cheers PH and Broccers!

Cheers PH and Broccers!



Original Poster:

2,029 posts

277 months

Wednesday 18th June 2003
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Following on from Friday's slight panic posting about needing some business cards by 10am this morning, I would just like to extend my thanks to this B2B forum and Broccers for the business cards that arrived with me 10 minutes ago!

Considering I sent him some pretty rushed artwork and no colour codes, the service has been exceptional.

Highly recomended!



1,281 posts

266 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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hughjayteens said:
Following on from Friday's slight panic posting about needing some business cards by 10am this morning, I would just like to extend my thanks to this B2B forum and Broccers for the business cards that arrived with me 10 minutes ago!

Considering I sent him some pretty rushed artwork and no colour codes, the service has been exceptional.

Highly recomended!


15 mins late!!!
Thats a very fast service!


34,444 posts

312 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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Broccers has also been a huge help in the preparation of PistonFest tickets...


254 posts

276 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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LOL Cheers Alan for pointing that out - I cant control the Royal Mail I'm afraid plus I did say it would be there before 12 !!

Thanks for the kind words guys.

Ooops also I'm known as Broccoli depending on which computer I'm on .... must see to that.

>> Edited by broccoli on Thursday 19th June 13:16