Yeah I know me again!!


lady topaz

Original Poster:

3,855 posts

263 months

Tuesday 17th June 2003
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Really getting embarrased now, but bought another two Samsung V200 mobiles. So me, daughter and hubby should all be able to send pics. In theory,yes, but reallity noo. Server is O2, is this the prob? Has anyone else got these phones? If yes, did you have the same prob? Any clues how to solve it?

Remember, peeps, I am a tech simpleton so keep any replies in idiot speak.

rich 36

13,739 posts

275 months

Tuesday 17th June 2003
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Good and then you can explain them to me, as i am even further down the Techy food chain, than you,
Mines a panasonic GD87, on orange


637 posts

280 months

Tuesday 17th June 2003
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Should work, both the Samsung phone and Vodafones O2 network support MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service).

lady topaz

Original Poster:

3,855 posts

263 months

Tuesday 17th June 2003
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rich 36 said: Good and then you can explain them to me, as i am even further down the Techy food chain, than you,
Mines a panasonic GD87, on orange

But does yours work???

lady topaz

Original Poster:

3,855 posts

263 months

Tuesday 17th June 2003
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marlboro said: Should work, both the Samsung phone and Vodafones O2 network support MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service).

Should , but dont, thats my problem. Now found a 4th owner and he cant send pics either. Just keep thinking there is something obvious we are all doing wrong


6,930 posts

260 months

Wednesday 18th June 2003
quotequote all
You need to have GPRS availability in the area, plus MMS from one network to another isn't brilliant as yet, the links are poor.

Plus check with your operator to ensure the phone is configured correctly.


1,676 posts

273 months

Wednesday 18th June 2003
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Do you not have to get the provider to enable MMS for you on the network?


13,387 posts

262 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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Were the phones upgraded. I've heard of people having problems if they ported their numbers between networks.

lady topaz

Original Poster:

3,855 posts

263 months

Sunday 22nd June 2003
quotequote all
Sorry so long to reply, but those of you who said provider were dead right. About 10 phone calls to o2, and can now send and receive pics. Hooray, and thanks again everyone.

Just to keep up tradition of being helpless I am about to post a new thread so get your thinking caps on