Custom Screensavers (well, sort of...)

Custom Screensavers (well, sort of...)



Original Poster:

6,107 posts

268 months

Monday 16th June 2003
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Need some software for a kiosk installation that acts a bit like a screensaver, but rather than kicking in a screensaver after x minutes of keyboard/mouse inactivity, it instead calls a URL in an already open browser window. Tried doing it in javascript but it all goes horribly wrong in framesets and when Flash content is loaded.

Anyone come across anything that can do this?


6,930 posts

260 months

Tuesday 17th June 2003
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I thought you could use ActiveX to do that in Java?


Original Poster:

6,107 posts

268 months

Wednesday 18th June 2003
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Possibly, but that's outside my area of expertise Anyhow, for the price of a bottle of Jack Daniels a mate coded a small VB exe that does the job.