

Original Poster:

1,281 posts

266 months

Sunday 15th June 2003
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I know its been done before. But i dont have the search toolbar, or any other tool bar on this computer.
I want a cheap pda, that will have the internet connecting to a ericsson T39. It must do msn, and maybe a few games. Its only as a mess around while on a train.
colour would be nice, but price is more important.

What do you suggest. Thanks


1,826 posts

284 months

Monday 16th June 2003
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I know its been done before. But i dont have the search toolbar, or any other tool bar on this computer.
I want a cheap pda, that will have the internet connecting to a ericsson T39. It must do msn, and maybe a few games. Its only as a mess around while on a train.
colour would be nice, but price is more important.

What do you suggest. Thanks

Get yourself a second-hand Ipaq from e-bay. Anything from Model 3630 upwards will suit you. I have a 3630 which I've upgraded from Pocket PC 2000 to 2002. Also have a PCMCIA expansion jacket which I can use with a 5GB pcmcia Toshiba harddrive, Cisco Aironet 340 Wireless Lan card or a 3Com pcmcia modem card.

I'm currently sat in the garden writing this on the Ipaq which is connected via a wireless card to my network.

You should be able to get an early model Ipaq like mine for a very good price - I was given it by my Company when they first came out and at the time they cost over £400.


Original Poster:

1,281 posts

266 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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Thanks for the advice.

I have got myself a PDA, should arive soon. But I'm going to need some sort of IPS if i want to connect to the internet. I will be using a 02 mobile phone, or Tmobile if its cheaper. Does anyone know of an ISP that works on PDA's and is cheap. Cheers


13,387 posts

262 months

Thursday 19th June 2003
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I think you use the GPRS on the phone. Not sure if you need an ISP


6,316 posts

265 months

Monday 23rd June 2003
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sybaseian said:
I'm currently sat in the garden writing this on the Ipaq which is connected via a wireless card to my network.

Sounds like you have had more success than I.. Took me ages to get my 3850 up and running and for the life of me can't get it to connect to my ISP, (plusnet) via my GPRS mobile. Any ideas for forums etc that I could go to for more technmical help? Pretty well drawn a blank so far..


8,293 posts

286 months

Monday 23rd June 2003
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I have an Ipaq 3650 gathering dust ... P800 rocks! Why would anyone want a PDA now?


1,826 posts

284 months

Wednesday 25th June 2003
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victormeldrew said:
I have an Ipaq 3650 gathering dust ... P800 rocks! Why would anyone want a PDA now?

I keep all my admin scrpts, etc on a 5 GB microHDD in the Ipaq. I also have term emulators that I use when I'm sorting out my Sybase Dataservers. Much easier to carry around than a laptop........


1,826 posts

284 months

Wednesday 25th June 2003
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Psychobert said:

sybaseian said:
I'm currently sat in the garden writing this on the Ipaq which is connected via a wireless card to my network.

Sounds like you have had more success than I.. Took me ages to get my 3850 up and running and for the life of me can't get it to connect to my ISP, (plusnet) via my GPRS mobile. Any ideas for forums etc that I could go to for more technmical help? Pretty well drawn a blank so far..

I'm not connected directly to an ISP to surf the web - I connect to my home network. If I need to dial a connection to an ISP, I use a PCMCIA modem card.