Feature of website?



Original Poster:

1,947 posts

293 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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Have a confusing bug. I have a home page with an icon image which has the correct link. However ocasionally the image will not appear and be shown as the usual red cross. If I then browse around and come back to the page the image appears.

I notice i get it occasionally on this forum as well where the new message icon is missing but then comes back later. Any ideas what is going on and how do I stop it?

>>> Edited by smeagol on Friday 13th June 19:25

simpo one

87,557 posts

274 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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I think it's just the vagaries of the server/beauty of the internet. I run www.sanjuannepomuceno.co.uk and it's not uncommon for one of the thumbnails to fail to load. 'Refresh' invariably does the trick.