Express Business card printing

Express Business card printing



Original Poster:

2,029 posts

278 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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Does anyone know anywhere I could possibly get some business cards (small number) in my hand by next Wednesday? My usual supplier has dropped me in it and I need some by then.



P.S I guess this should have gone in B2B but it is urgent so sorry Ted!


7,922 posts

271 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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Try - these guys offer an express service IIRC. The quality is pretty good too - they do all my printing.

Edited to add: They do small runs, too - I never order much but they've never had a problem with that.

>> Edited by SGirl on Friday 13th June 17:52


8,293 posts

287 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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Seconded, we got ours from there. As long as you don't have specific artwork requirements, which can add a few days.


3,236 posts

263 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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We do em - digital on line ordering for large organisations. 2 day turnaround. Same day if you can send artwork.

Print is in my blood.


1,281 posts

267 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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Broccers said: We do em - digital on line ordering for large organisations. 2 day turnaround. Same day if you can send artwork.

Print is in my blood.

Do you have a website?


1,281 posts

267 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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also what dimensions, dpi and format would you require the artwork in?


778 posts

263 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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Broccers said: We do em - digital on line ordering for large organisations. 2 day turnaround. Same day if you can send artwork.

Print is in my blood.
Oi, go back to EVO


3,236 posts

263 months

Saturday 14th June 2003
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LOL - Hi Hates.

TBH Business cards are something I tend to do on a large scale for companies with say 10 branches or more. On line ordering and quick turnaround.

Also we provide first class design, print and distribution of magazines and brochures whether they are 10 copies or 1 million.

Re the cards - standard size is 55 x 90. Mail me for prices.

My website is being updated.


>> Edited by Broccers on Saturday 14th June 20:55