How productive? (any MBAs help here).

How productive? (any MBAs help here).



Original Poster:

6,540 posts

293 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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I'm working on some figures for an update of the business plan. I'm trying to work out how many chargable days I should allocate to each person I can charge for. In the past I have come up with a figure of 210 working days after weekends, holiday, bank hols, sick and a few days for general arsing about.

So do I run my figures against that or do I then assume that of the 210 days we will get a level of productivity? The figure of 68% springs to mind, although I'm not sure where from! Is that 8% taken from 365 days or 210 days?





144 posts

271 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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I have always used 200 days and when checking back on projects I have found 200 to be a good number. This includes for general lost time.
hope this helps


67,280 posts

279 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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I've always worked on the basis that if I can fill bums on seats for 200 days in a year then its a decent year...


8,293 posts

286 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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40 weeks has always worked for me.


Original Poster:

6,540 posts

293 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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Ok, we think that we've worked out where we get the 68% from I'll run the figures against 200 days.
