Any Flash supremos on here?



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1,574 posts

274 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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I'm gonna crash and burn if I don't sort this out!

O.K. - I have a main Flash movie that has a preloader routine. It loads an swf onto 20 different levels.
The main movie shouldn't start until all 20 are loaded.

If I click on the swf direct it works fine, but if I access the swf through a browser it skips the preload sequence (4 frames long) and starts the main movie.

What am I doing wrong?


4,490 posts

293 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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Only use flash occasionally, so no supremo, but maybe the flash plugin you have in your browser is old and you are trying to use a feature not supported in it while your flash player is a newer version.

Thats the only reason I can see that would cause different behaviour of the SWF.


Original Poster:

1,574 posts

274 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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That was my first guess, but I've got the very latest version and the problem occurs on other peoples machines too.

Thanks though and keep 'em coming!


1,947 posts

293 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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Okay wil try to help (I don't use preloaders as my flash is on intranet/cds and constatnly pauses for user input so not a problem) but here goes...

You need to put in a goto and play action on the frame after the preloader check frame: I'll try to explain.

Simple preloader....

Have a frame at start with "loading please wait or what ever"

Set an action scrpt for that frame to the folowing

ifFrameLoaded (100) {
gotoAndPlay (5);

Where in this case frame number 100 is my last frame I want to load before continuing and frame 5 is where the movie starts.

okay now heres the glitch, the movie will continue through frame 1 onto 2 etc even if the frame 100 is not loaded as it simply returns false. so you have to repeat check until it is true.

So frame 2 must have the action scrpt of

gotoAndPlay (1);

Now the movie will loop round and round displaying "please wait" until frame 100 has loaded.

Thats the principal. Examples I have seen have used labels rather than frame numbers but I believe this method should still work.

Hope that helps.

>> Edited by smeagol on Thursday 12th June 23:34


Original Poster:

1,574 posts

274 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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I'm using levels though, so I use getbytes and totalbytes to check the status of each indivdual level, if there's more bytes to load it loops until all the bytes are loaded, (I think this is similar to your solution), then it checks to see if there's anymore swf's to be loaded and moves up one level if there is and begins loading in the bytes for that swf.

It seems as though it just runs through these first 4 frames. I'm wondering if the array I'm using doesn't work on browsers.

It does work, but just not off the web

Thanks though

>> Edited by schueymcfee on Friday 13th June 00:00


1,947 posts

293 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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Heres an idea, why not run a total from all the getbytes so that you get to a certain amount. Again looping round. I suspect what is happenning is that flash is going round only until the first level is loaded.

Interesting problem.


Original Poster:

1,574 posts

274 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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Aha, now I've narrowed it down to working fine on Netscape but it still won't work on IE.

Anybody know why?