Excel help needed..



Original Poster:

11,657 posts

269 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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This morning Excel is convinced I have "locked" some of my spreadsheets (on a networked drive) for editing and will only allow me to open a "read only" copy. Whilst I can save the file under a new name/location I cannot do anything with the original file - I cannot delete it, rename it and changing permissions still doesn't grant access. This has happened before and I only gain full access again when the server update runs over night. Rebooting my PC has no effect and there are no Excel related processes running (according to task manager anyway).
Any ideas as to how I can gain full access without waiting until tomorrow?


67,280 posts

279 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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Is someone else editing the spreadsheet at the same time?

If its on a network and someone has it locked for read then XL wont allow edits.


917 posts

261 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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If you can gain access to the networked drive you can see if it is locked by yourself. You will need MMC to do this. Right clicking on the file allows you to close it. It should then be ok.


Original Poster:

11,657 posts

269 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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No one else has the file open - it comes up with the message that it is my profile with the file open if I try opening it on someone else's PC.


Original Poster:

11,657 posts

269 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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rlk500 said: If you can gain access to the networked drive you can see if it is locked by yourself. You will need MMC to do this. Right clicking on the file allows you to close it. It should then be ok.

"MMC" - I have now checked in my "open files" nothing there - The lads in the IT dept. have also killed all my open files, still no luck.

>> Edited by Jinx on Thursday 12th June 12:19


8,893 posts

276 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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Reboot both boxes!


Original Poster:

11,657 posts

269 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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tuffer said: Reboot both boxes!

Is this the only way and what does the reboot clear that allows access?


8,293 posts

286 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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If its an NT server you can use the In Use button in Server Manager to close locked resources. Yours systems admin guys should know this.


Original Poster:

11,657 posts

269 months

Thursday 12th June 2003
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victormeldrew said: If its an NT server you can use the In Use button in Server Manager to close locked resources. Yours systems admin guys should know this.

They have tried to delete the file on the server direct - yet it is convinced I have the file open (share violation). I have not even got Excel open (or any Excel processes running). The reboot appears to be the only solution.