Frontpage, PH Widgets and Java Script

Frontpage, PH Widgets and Java Script



Original Poster:

9,646 posts

267 months

Tuesday 10th June 2003
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I am attempting to build my second web site. I am a Unix Sys admin, but what I know about html and the like is very little.

My first attempt was to use a free hosting site (Zero or (, and this was easy as it had its own web builder called Zyweb. Basically Zyweb appears to stuff text from text boxes into a HTML table, and converts it into pure HTML - I think.

Now I am trying to use my 30mb free space from my ISP as zero-catch has a big catch - only max 2mb for the whole site and max traffic per day is 20 mb. Oh thats great then; 10 visitors a day and the site closes - that's about as useful as a diary with no Monday So now for the first time I played with Frontpage (XP ver). After about two hours I managed to upload a new site that had most of my old content and works, although the layout IS crap. I need to add button bars and stuff, but as yet have no idea.

But most important of all I want to add Ted's news widgets, but don't know where or if I can paste in the code. If I try and paste it into the HTML leaf at the bottom it just adds to the end of the line that I pasted it to. It would seem like the Java code is not accepted. If I look in 'Preview' or 'Normal' it is just an added line of splurge. I like the way Frontpage works it's quite neat, now I need to learn it properly. I managed to at least get a PH banner on the bottom, and a good few references in, but really would like a few good ol' widgets.

Any takers? many thanks for the thicky in anticipation


12,425 posts

275 months

Tuesday 10th June 2003
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Quote my post, and you'll see the code I've added an extra table cell for the widget, so best you try to locate the PH news with a big table over your page.

btw. best try bluefish or the Composer (no frames) supplied with Mozilla for html building on UNIX.
IMHO Frontpage, which I use at work, treats the user like a numpty

>> Edited to add: Javascrpt won't work here, because the 'i' within script is disabled in posts on PH

The M3 is no longer the must-have BMW. Say hello to the 360bhp M3 CSL
You can now check that scroats haven't had it away in your pride and joy whilst you lie on the beach
99 quid gets you competing against other PHers in a slalom day at Brooklands!
Graeme Finlayson is back in the sun, churning up the dust
Autoglass survey shows young drivers recognise how dangerous they are on the roads, yet we're not helping them

>> Edited by Bodo on Tuesday 10th June 23:58


Original Poster:

9,646 posts

267 months

Wednesday 11th June 2003
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Bodo said:
Quote my post, and you'll see the code I've added an extra table cell for the widget, so best you try to locate the PH news with a big table over your page.

btw. best try bluefish or the Composer (no frames) supplied with Mozilla for html building on UNIX.
IMHO Frontpage, which I use at work, treats the user like a numpty

>> Edited to add: Javascrpt won't work here, because the 'i' within scrpt is disabled in posts on PH

The M3 is no longer the must-have BMW. Say hello to the 360bhp M3 CSL
You can now check that scroats haven't had it away in your pride and joy whilst you lie on the beach
99 quid gets you competing against other PHers in a slalom day at Brooklands!
Graeme Finlayson is back in the sun, churning up the dust
Autoglass survey shows young drivers recognise how dangerous they are on the roads, yet we're not helping them

>> Edited by Bodo on Tuesday 10th June 23:58

Aha ! Thanks Bodo your a star. I used to use Mozilla at work, but use Internet crasher 6 now I see how you have done it, but am still unsure of why some code is accepted by Frontpage and some is not. Also I seem to have lost my large PH banner at the bottom of the page...since Bravenet gave me a free counter! Bad forces are at work

Finally, my website looks like a great long turd, do I just hyperlink to page 1, 2 etc?

The 'flying banana' site is hosted at Thanks.


12,425 posts

275 months

Wednesday 11th June 2003
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Gosh! That's a lot of contence, Simon. Nice one. (Haven't read all obviously, but looks detailed on the first sight )

Strange, that Frontpage doesn't accept Javascrpt - may be your provider then?

To workaround Frontpage, you may open the html-file with an editor 'NotePad' an edit the code manually. Just try a bit and preview in your browser

For splitting the pages, you best split the the html-code in your html file (which maybe called index.html or default.html), and create a new file called eg. page1.html, etc.

Don't forget to copy the html-header (the bit on top of the code between < head > and < /head >).

Then you put all the files in one folder on your ftp, which is the root folder, where the current file is sitting. Then you insert the link on the bottom of the page (or where you want), and link them direct, without the entire address. The code should look like this:

< a href="page1.html" >Next Page< /a > (without spaces next to ><)


Original Poster:

9,646 posts

267 months

Wednesday 11th June 2003
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Thanks again kind sir, I am starting to get to grips with it. Your right about it treating you like a doughnut!

I actually cheated a bit; I used the import function and just edited what was left over. I had to substitute the old button bars as they were still tied to the old hosting server, but at least it's up and running. The scrpting side takes me back to my Oracle days, and I don't miss that headache! Now I have a better general idea, I wouldn't mind firing up my old HP Unix w/station and having a play using Moz, and blue as you said..but not now as its 6:45, and i was supposed to be getting an early night

Thanks for the help.


6,931 posts

272 months

Wednesday 11th June 2003
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I have found frontpage to be a complete pain when inserting javascrpts. What i have done instead is open the html file in notepad, and paste the java in there. When the file is then loaded back into frontpage it then accepts the scrpt.

Hope that helps!