Good PR company...



Original Poster:

778 posts

262 months

Tuesday 10th June 2003
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I run a really small IT company which will be lauching a new product in the next few months and we are looking for a good agency to handle the PR for the launch. Looking for an agency who can help us compile out first press release and distribute and followup on it. Out budget is sbu £1k for this first release.

Any pointers of references would be greatly appreciated...


2,977 posts

293 months

Wednesday 11th June 2003
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I run a really small IT company which will be lauching a new product in the next few months and we are looking for a good agency to handle the PR for the launch. Looking for an agency who can help us compile out first press release and distribute and followup on it. Out budget is sbu £1k for this first release.

Any pointers of references would be greatly appreciated...



1 posts

259 months

Friday 13th June 2003
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Please take a look at Plain Communication. URL is