:cry: I've broken my laptop



Original Poster:

75 posts

261 months

Monday 9th June 2003
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I've got an old Viglen laptop that's done me proud for 3 years but I tried to get clever with it.

Whilst re-partitioning the HDD I inadvertently set it to boot from an un-formatted partition.

All is not lost! - I thought, I'll nip into the BIOS and change the boot order - alas! So swine put a password on to quietboot99 so I can't get in.

Does ant body have any ideas? I thought that I might be able to change a jumper on the m/b to reset the password on the BIOS but the Viglen site is st - what can I do?

>>> Edited by lil'missleadfoot on Monday 9th June 19:54

BadBoy Bakewell

25 posts

259 months

Monday 9th June 2003
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I've got an old ZX81 that's done me proud for 13 years but I tried to get clever with it.

Whilst re-partitioning the 16k RAM pak I inadvertently set it to boot from an un-formatted partition.

I can't play Jet Set Willy or Daley Thompson's decathlon now.


I think it could be down to the volume on the tape recorder, twiddle the leads a bit & turn the volume up.

That should sort it.


Mr E

22,215 posts

268 months

Monday 9th June 2003
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There's usually a back door into the bios.

Smart use of google should turn up a site that may help....

Mr E

22,215 posts

268 months

Monday 9th June 2003
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might help.

You're not clear what bios the system has, so I can't be of more assistance....


165 posts

263 months

Monday 9th June 2003
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most systems have a jumper that can be changed to reset the password .... the answer is out there


1,947 posts

293 months

Monday 9th June 2003
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If you can't find the jumper then there is another way. You can unplug the battery and leave it for at least 30 minutes. Put the battery back in and you should find its dropped back to default settings and no password.

You should find tha the battery is calculator type and easy to disconnect.


6,930 posts

260 months

Tuesday 10th June 2003
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unplug both batteries, the main one and the bios backup (usually the size of a 10p coin). and leave for 30mins

set it in the bios to boot from a floppy to reassign the active partition.


Original Poster:

75 posts

261 months

Tuesday 10th June 2003
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Mr E said: There's usually a back door into the bios.

Smart use of google should turn up a site that may help....

As a password has been set manually I cannot use a backdoor password - I've tried!

It's PhoenixBios btw


Original Poster:

75 posts

261 months

Tuesday 10th June 2003
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smeagol said: If you can't find the jumper then there is another way. You can unplug the battery and leave it for at least 30 minutes. Put the battery back in and you should find its dropped back to default settings and no password.

You should find tha the battery is calculator type and easy to disconnect.

I'm off to remove batteries - back in a while!