HELP! - Token Ring to Ethernet question!

HELP! - Token Ring to Ethernet question!



Original Poster:

46,645 posts

284 months

Monday 9th June 2003
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I'm over in Finland, and our network cabling lot have forgotton the inserts to convert from Token Ring to Ethernet...

Do these things have a "proper" name, so I can source some locally?

Any help ideas appreciated!


850 posts

270 months

Monday 9th June 2003
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Depends on how you want to make the connections - if you want to plug RJ45 into an old-style Type 1 token ring socket you need convertor 'ballons' with an RJ45 socket one end and Type 1 T/R plug the other...if you want to do anything else then there might be issues.

If you are totally stuck drop me a mail and I'll give you the number of one of our network guys...


Original Poster:

46,645 posts

284 months

Monday 9th June 2003
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Loaf, cheers for the reply. Got round it though... connected straight to the switch in the short term... parts arriving via carrier overnight!


850 posts

270 months

Monday 9th June 2003
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Podie said: Loaf, cheers for the reply. Got round it though... connected straight to the switch in the short term... parts arriving via carrier overnight!

Good stuff...time for some Finlandia and tonic then