setting up ftp server at home



Original Poster:

5,252 posts

276 months

Sunday 8th June 2003
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I have some ftp server softwarei had running on my previous connection but recently changed modem and ISP.

I have a netgear DM602 ADSL modem setup as a router through a hub and it set up its own ICS. how can i get the computer which has an IP of for example to be a ftp server over the Net???

I know my ISP IP address but how can i log in from a different location and log on to my ftp server???




11,621 posts

276 months

Sunday 8th June 2003
quotequote all

I have some ftp server softwarei had running on my previous connection but recently changed modem and ISP.

I have a netgear DM602 ADSL modem setup as a router through a hub and it set up its own ICS. how can i get the computer which has an IP of for example to be a ftp server over the Net???

I know my ISP IP address but how can i log in from a different location and log on to my ftp server???



192 is a "black hole class C subnet" (private IP). You are going to have to set up your router (or a router - may require a different purchase) to send ftp requests, on a "pass throught basis" to your private IP. The good thing is, if done correctly, it provides good security. You may also have to set up custom routing from the PC that you are trying to access it from...
