Feedback forms on websites



Original Poster:

457 posts

261 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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First of all apologies because I asked this before on General Gassing and thought I'd cracked it... but now I'm putting it into practice things aren't quite so peachy!

Basically I've designed the form - very simple with three text fields - have put a submit button on it, changed the 'method=post,action=""' code to put in 'mailto:myaddress' and all of that...

So when I test the page and click 'submit', first there is a warning saying 'This form is being sent by email' then it's bringing up a separate MS Outlook window for the response with my email address filled in but none of the text from the form. D'oh!

I want it to automatically put all of the info from the form and send it to me WITHOUT users having to type a separate email. Web monkey says I need a CGI Script but I wouldn't know where to start... but is there an easier way???


9,396 posts

267 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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Sounds like you are doing the submit on the client side instead of on the server side - hence the outlook window.

Best bet is to submit to a PHP page from your form and then have that page mail the details from the server

Details of the PHP mail function can be found here


1,676 posts

273 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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Unless you are using a microsoft server then you'll need to look for info on CDONTS or a program called ASPMAIL.

If its a CGI-BIN prog then you need to search for FORMMAIL.

Send me the details and I'll gladly have a look for you.


1,211 posts

293 months

Friday 6th June 2003
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Gaz, I created a form for Nubbin recently based around CDONTS which I can dig out the details of it you want, or Nubbin may still have all the emails I sent him.

Let me know if I can help.